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The Facebook Search and Add Friends Tool


In its earlier days, Facebook served as a platform for connecting with individuals you were acquainted with. If you aim to expand your friend list on the platform, SU Social can assist you in automating the process.

Although you can send friend requests via the Contact tool, another tool, the Search and Add Friends tool, can aid in adding more friends to your account.

Search and Add Friends tool in SU SOCIAL

To utilize the Search and Add Friends tool, navigate to the TOOLS page and select the Facebook account where you wish to run the tool.

The Search and Add Friends tool can be accessed via the left panel menu.

📌 In case the tool is not visible, click on the “Manage Tabs” button located in the left panel menu. This action will launch a small window, and you must check the box next to the tool to enable it.

How to use the Search and Add Friends tool?

Like some tools, the Search and Add Friends tool has three tabs: Settings, Sources, and Results

Settings Tab

Run Timers

  1. Determine your preferred interval before initiating a new operation.
  2. Specify the number of friend requests you wish to complete per operation.
  3. Choose the daily and hourly limits you want to set. You may increase these limits daily until they reach the maximum value you’ve set.
  4. Select the hours when you want the tool to run.
  5. Ensure to choose the days when you want the tool to operate.

An additional feature is the ‘Rotate days’ option, which randomly selects the equivalent number of days you have initially chosen and rotates them. You may exclude weekends from the rotation if you do not want the tool to operate on Saturdays and Sundays.


  1. Cancel requests if they do not accept – this option will cancel the friend requests sent by SU Social if they are not accepted after X days. Run timers and limits for cancellation will appear if this option is checked, and you may opt to set a limit on how many pending friend requests should be kept.
  2. Scroll the connections status sync page for X seconds – this lets you dictate how long will it scroll the connections/friends list page when syncing the status of the friend request.
  3. Scroll the search page for X seconds – this lets you dictate how long will it scroll the search page when looking up friends to add.

After Request Accepted Actions

There’s only one option here, which is to send a message to those who accepted your friend request. Once they accept, they will get a message queued for them under the Contact tool (the Contact tool needs to be switched on to send the message). Aside from the main message, you can also configure sending secondary messages.

Sources Tab

This is where you will specify where you want SU Social to search for people to send friend requests to.

➡ Facebook People Search:

Look up users to add by their name. You may also input the city, education, or work information to further drill the search down.

➡ Custom URL:

Use this source for your custom URLs, especially if you are aiming to add friends from the members of an FB group.

➡ Pages and Page post:

This source will go through posts on the FB page and add those who interacted with the posts.


Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/hamideddokkaly

Page post: https://www.facebook.com/hamideddokkaly/posts/pfbid0nxwCjNJSETMizFnSpiNQXzXN8CawTyH3MaX1FJmfa7S4FGWSJNUWiuDhtkmJERN4l

➡ Groups and Group posts:

This source will go through posts on the FB group and add those who interacted with the posts.


Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3509774312411018

Group post: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3509774312411018/posts/6059694880752269/

➡ “People you may know” list

Results Tab

On this tab, you will see the record of the friend requests sent by the tool.

✅ From the results table, you will see the following information:

  • DATE – shows the day and date when the request was sent.
  • NAME – the name of the person that received the request
  • KEYWORD – you will see the source URL that was used to search for the user
  • STATUS   – this will indicate the status of the request (Pending, Cancelled, Cancelled_Error, or Accepted)

✅ Other features include::

  • You can remove a user from the results table by clicking on “Delete”.
  • You may visit a user’s profile by clicking on “Browse Embedded” to use the embedded browser of the account or “Browse” to use your regular browser on the computer. Additionally, you can copy the profile URL by clicking on “Copy”.
  • You can use the “EXPORT ALL” button to save the tool results in a CSV file. If you want to delete all the results at once, click on “DELETE ALL”.


SU Social offers a convenient solution for those looking to increase their Facebook friends by providing an automated tool called Search and Add Friends. This tool is easily accessible through the TOOLS page on Facebook and offers customizable settings such as run timers, sources, and results tabs. Additionally, the tool provides several options to manage the results, including deleting users, browsing profiles, and exporting results to a CSV file. By utilizing the Search and Add Friends tool, users can expand their Facebook connections and save valuable time in the process.

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