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The LinkedIn Follow Tool


The LinkedIn Follow tool allows you to follow users on LinkedIn automatically based on the sources you choose. By following a user, you’ll be able to see their posts and articles on your feed even if you’re not connected to them. This can be beneficial if you are interested in a specific field or profession, as following users within that category will provide you with relevant information and help improve your knowledge and skills.

How to access the LinkedIn Follow tool?

To access the LinkedIn Follow tool, go to the TOOLS view, click on your LinkedIn profile, and select the Follow tool from the list of tools on the left.

The LinkedIn Follow tool has 4 tabs for you to use: Settings, Sources, Extracted Users, and Results.

The Settings tab:

On the Settings tab, you will have two sections:

Run Timers section:

  1. Wait Time: You can set a time frame between X and Y minutes before each new operation starts.
  2. Follow Connections: Specify the number of users to follow during each operation, between X and Y.
  3. Operation Hours: Control the hours of operation with the option to execute between 12:00AM and 11:59PM and add random intervals.
  4. Random Sleep Time: Allow the tool to rest for X and Y minutes before starting a new operation after executing A and B follows.
  5. Stop Time: The tool can be stopped for certain minutes after X follows have been completed.
  6. Operating Days: Choose the days of the week for the tool to perform actions.

💡 With “Rotate Days” selected, SuSocial will randomly choose the same number of days as initially specified, with the option to exclude weekends if desired.

Follow Limits section:

  1. The Maximum Daily Limit for the Follow action can be set here. The tool will randomly select a number between X and Y as the daily follow limit. For example, if you set the limit to 150-250 follows per day, the tool will stop following once it has reached a total of any number between 150 to 250. You can increase the daily limit as per your preference.
  2. Additionally, you can set a limit on the number of follows per hour and increase the hourly limit on a daily basis until your desired value is reached.

💡 In LinkedIn, you can only follow up to 5000 users who are not connections

The Follow Sources tab:

In Linkedin, you only have one source to use to search for users to follow and it works based on keywords.

  1. Type in the keyword you want to use to search for people to follow.
  2. Choose the degree of connections to extract users from.
  3. Optionally, add tags to the keyword(s) to be associated with user profiles.
  4. Click the “ADD INPUT” button to add the keyword to the list below.
  5. If you want to only extract from a specific degree of connection for a keyword, or if you missed setting it up initially, you can modify the connections by checking or unchecking the option.
  6. Narrow your search by selecting additional information such as location, company, industries, schools, past companies, and title.
  7. Use the option to clear all sources instead of deleting each source individually.

⭐ once you are satisfied with your source setup, go back to the Settings tab and switch the status to Started to start the tool

Extracted Users tab:

Here in this tab, users extracted from your sources will be listed here and go through filter checks before being followed by SuSocial. For LinkedIn, the only filter applied is to verify if the follow option for the user is enabled or disabled.

Results tab:

In the Results tab, you can view a list of users who were successfully followed by SuSocial, along with the date and time of the follow. You can also see information such as the keyword source used when searching for the user, whether the user followed you back or not, and whether the user has been unfollowed or not if you start running the Unfollow tool on the account.


Overall, the LinkedIn Follow tool is a valuable resource for professionals looking to enhance their networking efforts and stay informed about their industry.

The SU Social LinkedIn Follow tool can help you expand your network and build new connections. By following users in your industry or field, you can increase your visibility on the platform and potentially catch the attention of recruiters or potential employers. And by using it effectively and responsibly, you can leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your personal brand and achieve your professional goals.

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