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The Instagram Save Posts Tool


By using the Instagram Save Posts feature, you can effortlessly save other users’ posts to your account. This tool comes in handy if you wish to keep particular posts for reposting at a later time.

Posts saved through this tool are private, and only you can access them. Furthermore, when you save someone else’s post, they won’t receive any notification about it

How to access the Save Posts Tool?

To access the Instagram Save posts tool, just click on your account on the TOOLS view then click on the Save Posts tool from the list of tools we have for Instagram accounts.

The save posts, like the Story Viewer tool, consist of three tabs, Settings, Sources, and Results.

Settings Tab

The Settings tab contains four sections:

The RUN TIMERS Section

  1. STATUS – This shows the status of the save posts tool and you have The switch button that you can use to start/stop the tool.
  2. Wait Between X-Y minutes between each operation – This allows you to set a delay before starting the next save posts operation.
  3. Save between X-Y posts on each operation – This allows you to set how many posts to save on each operation.
  4. The Execute between HH:MM and HH:MM option allows you to set a specific time frame for the tool to save posts.
  5. You can check it to add random sleep time after X-Y operations.
  6. The Days of the week when to operate option lets you choose the specific days of the week for the tool to save posts.
  7. With the option “Rotate Days”, the days you selected for the Save posts tool to operate can be randomly rearranged each week. For instance, if you selected Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, the tool will choose a new set of three days for the next week. Additionally, you have the option to exclude weekends from the rotation if you don’t want to save posts during those days.


  1. Allows you to set daily/hourly limits for viewing stories, when reached by the tool, SU Social will stop the tool for the rest of day/hour respectively.
  2. Save only most recent X posts of the user
  3. Unsave the posts after X hours
  4. Set a limit for how many posts to save per user.


  • Option to set the tool to pick a random post to save from the most recent user’s posts.
  • You can filter posts to save by the number of likes and comments.
  • You can add blacklisted users that will be ignored by the tool.
  • You can set the tool to save posts to a specific collection
    You can also set it to save to a new collection when the max number of posts of a collection is reached.


It has an option that allows you to share saved posts with users

Sources Tab

Here in the Sources tab, you can add the target sources that you want to use when searching for posts to save.

There are three available sources:

  • Save posts of specific users,
  • Save specific posts by URL,
  • Save posts of Followers/Followings of other accounts.

Save posts of specific users

You can add the usernames of your target accounts, one per line, then click on ADD USERNAMES to add them to your sources.

Save specific posts by URL

Here you can add the specific posts that you want to be saved, you can add the posts URLs and you can add multiple URLs one per line, make sure to click on ADD URLS button to add the posts to the sources tab.

Save posts of Followers/Followings of other accounts

If you want to target followers of a target account and save their posts, you can use this source option, add the target account username (add one per line) then click ADD ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS/FOLLOWINGS button to add the source.

💡Just like the usernames, URLs, the target accounts will appear in the table of sources.  And there are additional actions available for ease of use.  You have the Export, Import, and Clear action links.

Results Tab

This tab displays all the posts that your account has saved through SU Social. It also presents supplementary details regarding the saved posts such as:

  • The date and time when the posts were saved by your account
  • A KEYWORD that identifies the source of the post
  • The username of the original POSTED BY user who owns the saved post
  • The recipients with whom you have SHARED the post after saving
  • A link to the saved post
  • The Delete button which removes the link from the results list
  • The Copy button which allows you to copy the link of the saved post

Furthermore, you have the option to Export All and Delete All the results in this list by selecting the appropriate action buttons.


In conclusion, the Instagram Save Posts feature is a useful tool for users who want to keep track of their favorite posts for later use. It’s a convenient way to curate content and organize your Instagram feed. Whether you’re an influencer, a marketer, or just an avid user, this tool can help you save time and effort in searching for specific posts.

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