The Instagram Like Comments Tool
To enhance your engagement rate on social media, it’s crucial to pay attention to the comments on your posts. Expressing gratitude to your followers and non-followers through liking their comments can encourage them to engage with your content. Therefore, it’s advisable to prioritize acknowledging comments as an essential metric to boost your account’s engagement.
Acknowledging comments may seem like a small gesture, but it can have a significant impact. It shows that you have listened to the user, their opinion matters, and they are valued.
While it may be time-consuming to go through all the comments, the Like Comments tool in SuSocial can help you automate the process.
❓How to start liking comments?
To access the Like Comments tool, go to the TOOLS tab and click MORE TOOLS next to your account. From there, click on the Like Comments tab, which is divided into three tabs: Settings, Sources, and Results.
📑 Settings tab
You can control the tool’s action in the Settings tab, which is divided into five sections.
RUN TIMERS section:
- Wait between X – Y minutes before each operation: This option allows you to set the minutes the tool will wait before starting a new operation. It’s a random value between X and Y minutes.
- Like between X – Y comments per operation: In this option, you can specify the number of comments the tool will process for each operation. A random number between X – Y will be selected per operation.
- Execute between XX:YY and XX:YY: This option allows you to indicate when the tool will perform actions, defined as a time interval between XX:YY and XX:YY.
- Add random sleep time: You can enable a random sleep time to allow the tool to rest after executing a certain number of actions before resuming liking comments.
- Days of the week when to operate: In this option, you can choose when you want the tool to execute actions. It is recommended to rotate* the days to make the account look more natural.
* 💡 Enabling the “Rotate days” option in SuSocial means that the tool will use the same number of days you have initially selected and rotate through them. This feature ensures the tool operates on different days each week, making it look more natural and less suspicious to social media algorithms.
➡️ Here’s an example to illustrate the “Rotate days” option in SuSocial: Suppose you initially selected Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the tool to execute actions. In the following week, SuSocial will randomly select three different days to run, which could be Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday. This process will continue each week, with the tool selecting a random set of days. Furthermore, if you prefer not to like comments on weekends, you can exclude those days from the variation.
LIKE LIMITS section:
- Like X – Y per day: SuSocial will randomly select a number between X and Y each day to use as the maximum number of like comments actions per day.
- Like X – Y per hour: SuSocial will select a random number between X and Y as the maximum number of like comments actions per hour.
- Like users most recent posts: If you enable this option, it will like comments on the X most recent posts of the user.
- Limit maximum number of likes per user: SuSocial allows you to set a limit on the maximum number of likes per user that you want to give.
This is the section where you can specify the criteria to narrow down the posts on which the Like Comments tool will execute actions.
- Skip Non English Comments
- Filter posts by number of likes: this allows you to only like comments on posts that have a number of likes between X and Y.
- Filter posts by number of comments: enables you to like comments only on posts that have between X and Y comments.
- Do not like own comments: skip your own comments when executing like comments.
- Filter comments by number of likes: you can specify that you want to only like comments that have a certain number of likes between X and Y.
- Comment was posted in the last X days: allows you to choose to like comments that have been posted within the last X days.
- Like if comment contains specific words: like comments only if they contain at least one of the specified words.
- Do NOT like if comment contains specific words: you can avoid liking comments that contain negative words.
- The Like Comments tool provides a filter that allows you to like comments posted by males, females, or both genders of a specific language. The default language for this filter is English, but you can select or add different languages*.
- You can select an option to skip and not like your followers’ comments.
💡* It’s important to note that if you select “All” in the gender filter, it will override the gender selection. Additionally, if you select a non-English language without configuring it properly, the gender filter will also be ignored.
💡* The gender filter in SuSocial works by matching the extracted user’s name or username with the name listed for that specific gender and language.
SuSocial only has pre-defined English male and female names for the gender filter. If you want to use a different language, you can add it.
For example, if you want to add male/female Spanish names in SuSocial, you should follow these steps:
- Check the option “Show male/female names”
- Select “Spanish” from the Language drop-down menu
- Add the corresponding Spanish male and female names in the appropriate boxes.
After liking comments, you have the option to perform additional actions, such as:
- Enabling the “Suspend when temporary blocked between X and Y minutes” option allows you to stop the tool for a specific period in case of a temporary block (action block with expiry date information). You can also choose to suspend the tool on the second block and perform a re-login action on the second consecutive block.
- You can also set up a text to reply to comments after liking them. You can use spintax, emojis, and supported tokens to add variations to your comments.
- You can control the number of comments you reply to by indicating the “Reply percentage” option. For example, setting it to 100 will post a reply to each comment you like, while setting it to 50 will only reply to half of the comments you liked.
- You have options to:
- Skip replying to comments that contain specific words
- Avoid replying to comments that exceed X characters.
- Choose not to leave a reply if the comment mentions another user.
- And skip replying multiple times to the same user.
- You can enable “Remove poor quality sources,” which will automatically eliminate sources that do not meet your desired follow-back ratio or takes too long to search.
📑 Sources tab
There are various sources that you can use to search for posts where the comments would be liked. These sources help to refine your search and increase the likelihood of finding posts where your target audience is active.
Like comments by Hashtags Search
➡️ You can utilize this source to automatically like comments on posts that include a specific hashtag in their caption. You have the option to add several keywords, which should be separated by a comma.
- You can scrape posts that were published within a certain time frame (X – Y minutes).
- You can choose to scrape only the top-rated posts.
- There are further options at the bottom of the source for copying all sources, exporting the hashtags list, clearing the list, and splitting the items with specific accounts.
- Like own posts comments
➡️ You can use this source to like comments on your own posts.
- Like Specific Users posts comments
➡️ If you are looking to like comments on posts made by specific users, you should select this source. To add multiple usernames, simply enter one username per line and click on the “ADD USERNAMES” button.
You have the option to remove the user from the list after the tool has liked their comments.
There are additional options available to you:
- You can use the “SPLIT UERS BETWEEN ACCOUNTS” to distribute the added users among different accounts. For example, if you have three accounts and added six users, clicking on this option will divide the users into three, so each account will receive two users.
- If you want to copy all the usernames you added, you can USE “COPY ALL USERNAMES.”
- To remove the users from the list, click on the “CLEAR” option.
- Like comments of pots of Followers/Followings of other accounts
➡️ With this source, you can target posts made by the followers or followings of a specific account.
To utilize this source, simply add the usernames of your target account, with each username on a separate line. Then, depending on your preference, you can click either “ADD ACCOUNT FOLLOWERS” or “ADD ACCOUNT FOLLOWINGS” to target the accounts’ followers or followings, respectively.
- Similar to the “Like Specific Users posts comments” source, you have the option to split the users between accounts, copy all, and clear the list.
- Furthermore, there is an “Export” action link that generates a file containing the relevant information.
- Like Comments based on comment id
➡️ This source enables you to like comments based on the comment Id. You can obtain comment Ids by using the Scrape Tools.
💡After generating a file using the Scrape Tools, you can copy the CommentPk values and add them, one per line, to the “Like Comments based on comment id” source.
💡 To be able to reply to a comment after liking it, you need to add the mediaId as well and separate the CommentPk and mediaId with a “#”:
📑 Results tab
All comments that have been liked will be recorded on the “Results” tab. You can find the following information about each liked comment:
- The date and time that your account liked the comment.
- The “KEYWORD” column displays the specific source that was used to perform the like action.
- The username of the individual who posted the comment.
- The original comment that was liked
- Your reply to the comment that was liked (if enabled).
- The “FOLLOWED BACK” column indicates if a user followed you.
Additionally, there are a few buttons that can help you better utilize the results:
- DELETE ALL: Use this option if you want to delete all results.
- DELETE ALL FROM SELECTED ACCOUNTS: You can delete the results of multiple accounts.
- EXPORT ALL: Click this option to export the results of the “Like Comments” tool to a CSV file.
- EXPORT ALL FROM SELECTED ACCOUNTS: Use this option if you want to export the results of multiple accounts.
- UPDATE FOLLOWED BACK: If you want SuSocial to update the “FOLLOWED BACK” results, click on this button. The operation may take some time to finish, depending on the list.
- VIEW FOLLOWBACK RATIO: Click on this button to export a CSV file showing the follow-back ratio of each source.
- VIEW FOLLOWBACK RATIO FOR SELECTED ACCOUNTS: Click on this button if you want to export a CSV file showing the follow-back ratio for multiple accounts.
- For the last X days: Applies to view follow-back ratio options.
✅ Once you have configured your settings and sources, you can start the tool at the top of the Settings tab to start liking comments.