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The Linkedin Events Tool


Welcome to the ultimate guide for our LinkedIn Events Tool! We are excited to introduce you to our powerful tool that allows users to search for and join events based on keywords and even send messages to those events. Whether you’re a business owner looking to expand your network or an individual looking to attend industry-specific events, our LinkedIn Events Tool has got you covered. With just a few clicks, you can find and join relevant events and start connecting with like-minded professionals. So, let’s dive in and explore the features of our LinkedIn Events Tool!

How to use the Events tool?

To access the Events tool, just click on your account on the TOOLS view, then click on the Events Tab from the list of tools we have for Linkedin accounts as indicated in the image below:

The Events tool consists of three tabs, Events Extractor, Events Joiner, and Contact tab 

Events Extractor

The Events Extractor is the tool that allows you to extract events based on keyword searches.

The events extractor tool consists of three sections:


    In this section you will have an option where you can:
    1 – Add the keywords that the tool will look for when extracting events
    2 – You can also add negative keywords that will allow the tool to ignore the events when they contain those negative keywords.
    3 – EXTRACT EVENTS button which you need to click in order to start the extraction.

  2. EVENTS FILTERSHere in this section, you can set the max limit of events to extract on each extraction, and you can also use the option to clear results when starting a new extraction.
  3. Extraction results 

    Here at the bottom of the Events Extractor tab, you will have a table that will contain the extracted events along with some options that will allow you to take some actions on the results you get:1 – Select ALL/NONE – this will allow you either to select all extracted events or unselect them
    2 – Remove Selected – This option will allow you to delete events from the list of extracted events.
    3 – Send Selected To Joiner – this option will allow you to send the events you select to the Joiner tool, in order to join the events.

Events Joiner

This is the feature that allows you to join the events you extracted with the Events Extractor tool. It can be divided into 3 sections.

1 – Run Timers and Settings

  1. Status – it shows the status of the tool and you can use the switch button to start and stop the events joiner tool.
  2. You can set a delay in x – y seconds between each operation
  3. Allows you to set how many events to join on each operation
  4. Executing between  HH: MM and HH: MM hours allows you to set a specific time frame in which the tool will execute the actions.
  5. Add Random sleep time for the tool
  6. You can select days of the week when to operate
  7. And you can also Rotate days when to operate.
  8. This option allows you to set daily/hourly limits for the tool.
  9. You can opt to join events randomly from the list of events instead of joining the first one in the list.

2 – Waiting for a join request Section

Here you will be able to see a table that contains the events you sent from the Events Extractor tool, where you can select the events to join.

3 – Joiner Events Section

This section is the results section of the Events Joiner feature, where you will have a list of events that the tool joined so far and you can also see the JOIN DATE that shows the date when the account joined the Events.


This contact feature will allow you to send DMs to the Events you joined. It has three sub-Tabs: Settings, Sources, and Results.

1 – Settings 

The settings tab is where you can set the run timers for the contact feature and it’s also the place where you can set how many DMs to send per day and per hour.

  • You can control how many events to contact on each operation and also how many seconds to wait between each operation
  • It has also the same settings as the Events Joiner tool that allows you to control when the tool executes the actions and how many actions it makes per day and per hour.

2 – Sources

The contact feature has two sources that you can use to get the events to contact.

  1. The first source option is useful when you want to send a message to the events you join, you can set the messages and the tool will send it automatically to the joined events.
  2. The second source option allows you to add specific events URLs that you want to contact, you add the message you want to send and you click on ADD button and they should appear on the table as indicated in the image above.

3 – Results

The results sub-tab will contain the results of the contact feature, it contains a table where we display the list of events you contacted with the date when the DM was sent.


In conclusion, SU Social LinkedIn Events Tool is a powerful and user-friendly tool that can help you find and join relevant events based on keywords. Whether you want to expand your network, attend industry-specific events, or simply explore new opportunities, our tool makes it easy to find and join events that are right for you. Moreover, you can even send messages to the events you join, making it easier to connect with other attendees and build relationships.

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